At the headquarters of the national Danish broadcaster, Susanne Skov Diemer shared her expertise on the processes involved in conducting security planning, protocols, procedures, threat & risk assessment and intelligence gathering to shed light on the complexities and critical importance of security measures in today's global threat landscape.
As Sweden is joining NATO, Susanne Skov Diemer was interviewed by TV 2 Danmark “News & Co” panel, the leading Danish broadcaster, to discuss crisis preparedness. “As a society,
it is essential that we come together by all taking responsibility.
If more people take responsibility, remove ourselves from the equation and manage independently for
1 week or 2, authorities and emergency services can assist and support vulnerable people, get our society back on track and up and running as quickly as possible”.
A new non-fiction book salon at a Danish public library is about prepping and preparedness. The conversation center's around Susanne Skov Diemer's Danish crisis preparedness guide 'Forbered dig bedst på det værst.
"Let's embrace the fact that we don't have to be fully digital because that's not what gets our society through a crisis”. Susanne Skov Diemer is a guest on the podcast "AFLYTTET - i garagen" from minute 29:55.
Lundbeck hosted its first cyber security conference to mark International Cyber Security Awareness month with Susanne Skov Diemer and Rik Ferguson as speakers.
'Everyone talks about crisis and prepping, but what does it really feel like when the system goes down?
"In crises, we have to make sure we have more than what we ourselves need. We must pick each other up, and when we meet, we must share what we can. That humanity is important,' says Susanne Skov Diemer.
The Danish Radio 4 takes a closer look at the short-term and long-term consequences the unstable world situation has had on Danish security policy, and interviews Susanne Skov Diemer about preparation and the biggest threats she sees:
Power supply breakdown and attack on critical infrastructure.
A good start to the year with Susanne Skov Diemer preparing people for 2024! First stop AOF Copenhagen with this year’s first 2 speeches of countless upcoming speeches, courses, and workshops.
How much should we be prepared? And for what?
We read "Prepare yourself best for the worst - The security expert's guide to how to protect yourself and your family during crises, disasters and power failures" by Susanne Skov Diemer.
Susanne Skov Diemer is delighted and honored to join the Emeritus EU project as advisor.
The aim is to lay the foundations of a new generation of technological tools to improve detection and proof collection capabilities against waste-related environmental crimes. A platform for detection and proof collection against environmental waste.
The Association of Emergency Preparedness introduces preparedness citizens' symposium based on Susanne Skov Diemers´s book ‘Forbered dig bedst på det værste’ (How to prepare best for the worst)
How to protect urban public spaces
in the face of evolving threats while ensuring
they remain open and accessible to all,
has been the main aim of PACTESUR the past 4 years.
How can citizens be better prepared to respond
to potential threats in urban public spaces?
Interview for PACTESUR.
Susanne Skov Diemer discussed
how citizens become more prepared for a crisis at the conference "Should the debate on defense & preparedness have a greater focus on how we protect the population?"
”We are a highly digitized country, where we pride ourselves with the fact that we have our data digitally. Unfortunately, it has a downside”,
Praesidio Group is the winner of
the Scandinavian Business Awards 2022:
Best Physical & Tactical Security Specialists
– Denmark.
Susanne Skov Diemer is Featured In World’s Leaders Magazine “World’s Most Influential Women in Tech, 2022”
“We do business in increasingly uncertain times.
Risks are dynamic and predictably unpredictable"
Expert about possible hacker attacks – impossible to completely avoid. Hackers have become better professionals.
Susanne Skov Diemer is featured in the
magazine, Insights Success
“The 10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders
to follow in 2022”.
Susanne Skov Diemer is in the expert panel at the Danish Parliament touching upon crucial aspects of cyber security.
Review from the Online Book Club:
“A priceless masterpiece…In this book, the author is one of the best professionals globally and can provide advice that only a few could give.
After the COVID pandemic, no one can ignore that we live in a chaotic and vulnerable world. What better thing then than to get advice from one of the best security professionals in the world? I don’t like to be generic, but most people should read this book…
There is no way to criticize any aspect of this gem”.
To purchase hardcover, paperback or Kindle version of the book, click here.
Praesidio Grop is recognized as one of the Top 50 Admired Companies To Watch 2021 by CEO Views.
"Security and intelligence is not just a profession, but a way of life.
A mission.
On-going crisis, disaster and emergency preparedness is a duty for life and the core and foundation of Praesidio Group".
Susanne Skov Diemer has published a personal
urban crisis survival guide & planner
with worksheets and planner pages.
The financial magazine "Penge & Privatøkonomi" (January 2021) recommends Susanne Skov Diemer's book
"Forbered dig bedst på det værste"
(Prepare yourself best for the worst)
"6 books worth reading".
Susanne Skov Diemer has created a special Christmas calendar with recommendations, reflections and advise from the security world and her book "Forbered dig bedst på det værste" (Prepare yourself best for the worst). The purpose is to contribute with perspective during these challenging times.
Click here for Facebook and Instagram versions in Danish.
How to prepare for the next crisis.
Praesidio Group is shortlisted on the CIO Bulletin 2020 the "10 Best Security Companies" globally.
An article features Susanne Diemer
"She was criticized for her views on Denmark's handling of the coronavirus - now her predictions have proven to hold true.
In February, security expert Susanne Diemer questioned Denmark's handling of coronavirus.
The National Board of Health rejected her criticism, while a prominent doctor called her predictions "doomsday prophecies".